Titus Drautos

↠ Captain of the Kingsglaive
↠ General of Imperial army
↠ Imperial weapon: Immortalis↠ Immortal↠ AU concept written by John (#GhostsOfJohn)

↠ Titus Drautos
↠ Captain Drautos | General Glauca | Immortalis
↠ Captain of the Kingsglaive
↠ General of the Imperial Army of Niflheim
↠ Niflheim Magitek Weapon - Unit XDA: 1001 - Immortalis | Original test subject of Project Immortalis
↠ Human | made immortal via Verstael Besithia's Immortalis Project↠ Kingdom of Lucis (loosely) | Born in Cavaugh
↠ Nifilheim (loosely)
↠ Male
↠ Early fifties
↠ 6'4" (193.04cm)
↠ 233.68lbs (106kgs)
↠ Brunet, little bit of grey here and there
↠ Greying blue - as Drautos
↠ Rich amber - as Glauca
↠ Short
↠ Dominant Hand: Left - as Drautos | Right - as Glauca--↠ Drautos was one of sixteen people taken as a prisoner of war in his early days in the Kingsglaive. Lucis could not negotiate for the release of the prisoners, so they were handed over to Chief Verstael Besithia for use in the Immortalis Project, the experiments resulting in Drautos' immortality.

Basic timeline of Drautos' life:birth - 10 - living with his parents until divorce.
11 - 16 - living with his mother, step father and little brother
16 - 23 - living with his father
23 - Cavaugh falls, his family is killed and he moves to Insomnia alone
24 - 27 - meets Cor for the first time before his official introduction to him upon joining the Kingsglaive
27 - 30 - Kingsglaive draft and training
31 - Drautos officially meets Cor
33/34 - First official field mission and his subsequent capture
35/36 - Project Immortalis experiments
37/38 - His time as Glauca and the incident in Tenebrae
39/40 - Return to Insomnia and the Glaives as a squad leader
41/42 - Faces "General Glauca" in the field and is promoted to Captain because he managed to fight him off.
43 to present - Captain of the Kingsglaive/General of Niflheim's army

Though I will vary my take in terms of timeline based on who I write with, this account is intended to be POST FFXV to suit my needs.This carrd will feature the alternate universe information I have crafted for the account rather than the canon information found on the wikia linked below.Drautos' Wikia

Early LifeDrautos was born and raised in Cavaugh, a large island connected to Insomnia by bridge.He lived with his parents up until his mother divorced his father and remarried, making the choice to stay with her when she became pregnant, staying up until he was sixteen when he moved out to live with his father.During his time with his mother, Drautos suffered from constant abuse and neglect from his step father, putting up with it purely because he figured it was better him than his mother or his little brother.Living with his father, Drautos learned much of his skills in carpentry from him, intent on taking over his fathers business in Cavaugh and helping him expand into Insomnia to partner with a Crown City carpenter, but the war with Niflheim put an end to it.Drautos was the only member of his family to survive the attack on his village.Early Life - InsomniaDrautos had been taken in by Mors, living in the Citadel despite the many cautions from others Mors received.He helped look after Prince Noctis here and there later on after the prince was born, but he didn't spend a great deal of time with him before leaving the Citadel upon securing his apprenticeship with the carpenter his father had been trying to network with before Cavaugh was lost.Drautos spent a few years working, earning enough to secure his own apartment outside the Citadel, choosing not to make use of the funds Regis had set aside for him because he didn't want to take something he hadn't felt he earned.He maintained his apprenticeship until the day he was recruited into the Kingsglaive.Early Life - KingsglaiveDrautos had signed up believing he was doing the right thing helping the King defend Lucis, hoping his efforts would lead to the reclamation of Cavaugh so he could return to his homeland.He topped his classes, easily making a team lead of himself by the time he was first sent into the field of battle, but the Glaive of the time hadn't been trained to handle Magitek Armour and as a result, he and his unit were overwhelmed and ultimately taken as prisoners of war.Sixteen soldiers in total were taken hostage to be used as leverage in negotiations with Lucis, but the leverage was ultimately useless.Lucis didn't negotiate, leaving the sixteen soldiers to Niflheim's devices.Niflheim had the group shipped off to Verstael Besithia's Magitek Production Facility where they were used in his new Immortalis Project; an experiment with the intent of recreating the conditions that gave Ardyn Izunia his immortality.Fifteen of the sixteen subjects were killed by the scourge infection either during the process, or shortly after being daemonified.Drautos was the last to be used and the only one to survive.Life as a ImmortalisDrautos, now stripped of his name and re-branded Unit XDA 1001: Immortalis, was subjected to various experiments to test his infection; constantly being killed just to make sure the scourge was actually doing as it was intended and keeping him alive, a myriad of DNA samples being collected and stored for future use.In order to cope, Drautos started developing an alternative personality to escape, the scourge the trigger for this persona to take hold of him, giving this alter ego the name Glauca.When Verstael became aware of "Glauca", he started nurturing the persona, promising to help him reclaim Cavaugh, pitting Drautos against daemons and Magitek Troopers to see how strong the scourge infection had made him.In order to enhance his strength, Verstael had Drautos fused with a living scourge armour meant to make him the obedient weapon Immortalis, but the alter ego Drautos had crafted for his protection took root and used the armour to escape the facility instead.GlaucaDrautos was completely unaware of what was going on in his early days as Glauca free in Gralea.During this time, he as Glauca secured himself a position as General in Niflheim's army, being sent out on the field of battle purely for the fact that he was like a machine, no sense of friend of foe, killing anyone without hesitation.Niflheim thought he was the best solider they had, but the reality was, he was out of control and "Glauca" was in self preservation mode trying to protect Drautos without realizing it.His ruthlessness earned him the fierce reputation he held as General Glauca.TenebraeThe first time Drautos had a moment of lucidity since his escape from Verstael was during the assault on Tenebrae.Seeing King Regis again, his first instinct was to relieve him of the Ring of the Lucii, believing it was the best means to spare Lucis from further harm as without the ring, the Crystal was useless.Drautos didn't snap out of his Glauca persona until he found himself staring down Princess Lunafreya, horrified by what he'd understood he'd done as Glauca and taking off under the guise of seeing no further need of himself being there, leaving Lunafreya and Ravus to the Niflheim soldiers and returning to Insomnia.Rise to CaptainOver the years, Drautos struggled with his scourge infection, finding that while the magic from the Caelum's helped him keep it stable, he still had to combat Glauca's persona whenever he felt even a modicum of distress.At some point during a routine training exercise, he realized it responded to his emotional states, so Drautos did everything he could to shut down his emotions, becoming the hard and stoic man he'd eventually be known to be.During this time, Drautos was again sent to the front lines with a unit of Glaives, discovering in battle that "Glauca" was on the field.While unsuccessful in killing the General, the fact that he faced him and lived, pushing the General and his forces back, saw his promotion to Captain of the Kingsglaive.It was only later that Drautos learned the Glauca he faced was one of many clones of himself Verstael had made from his time held captive.PresentDrautos has overcome a great many struggles keeping his scourge infection under control, staving off Glauca's persona with tactics such as monotonous tasks or activities that give him tunnel vision, self-harm and mutilation, drinking and, in the moments he struggles too much, suicide.He has realized that Cor Leonis seems to keep his persona of Glauca at bay most effectively, often times finding excuses to spend time with him when he needs the help to control it.Additional Post FFXV InfoThough he did join the rebellion under Glauca's moniker, he did so with the intention of drawing out the rebels to take them out, irritated that his own Glaives were a part of it all.During the attack on Insomnia, a clone of Glauca joined the assault.Learning that his clone was sent to test him, Drautos used his scourge persona to remove Lunafreya from the city as a lure to get his Glaives out of the way, failing to take into account the shift in loyalty many of them seemed to have at the time in his determination to see to his personal vendetta with Regis for the abandonment he felt.Drautos had been intent on using his alter ego to steal the ring when he realized Insomnia was done for, challenging Regis in the throne room and ultimately killing Clarus Amicitia, but he was not the one to pursue Regis, Lunafreya and Nyx down the elevator shaft after Ravus got in the way.Drautos had taken off to cut them off from the outside, unaware the clone of his had picked up where he left off.He learned after the fact that his clone had killed Regis, but had been called back from the field of battle before he could find and destroy it.By the time he battled with Nyx, Drautos' desperation to get his hands on the ring was blinding him, Glauca's persona feeding off his distress and leaving him unable to listen to reason.After everything, Drautos managed to recover himself and returned to his position as Captain to help rebuild Insomnia, believing everyone that knew of his Imperial monikers to be dead and allowing him to live out the rest of his miserable eternity in relative peace.

↠ Edit/gif showing Drautos' appearance when Glauca's persona is active, scourge present on his face in streaks and in the corner of his mouth similar to what happens with Ardyn

John Doe

No, John is not my "real" name, but it's the name I prefer to use here. I do not enjoy my "legal birth name" so if you know it, please refrain from calling me it unless I've told you it's okay.My preferred name outside of online is strictly for business and it's something I give to people I trust.No preferred pronouns; refer to me however you wish, I will respond to all of them.MORE INFO ON MUN CARRD.


↠ Caught up with most canon material.↠ I will be taking a few creative liberties with my muses at times, but I will do my utmost to remain as true to the characters as possible!
↠ AUs for the accounts, if applicable, are listed in their respective carrds/pinned tweets
↠ Literate and descriptive (most of the time)
↠ Crack and Serious threads
↠ Will often mirror your replies, but do not feel like you have to match my length at all times. I just want to see some effort!
↠ Mature 21+ for occasional NSFW content including but not limited to" violence, language, lewd and other potentially triggering themes.↠ Multi-Verse (MV) and Multi-Ship (MS) - highly selective with ships - ships will only be done with chemistry, even if I know you from another verse.↠ Open to most crossovers, original characters and AU's but I would like to be able to read some information before we interact!MORE GUIDES ON MUN CARRD--Please DO:↠ Feel free to tag me any time! I may not always see it/respond right away, but I try to reply to stuff as much as I can.↠ Give me information about your AU/Original character to read. I do not live in your head.↠ Ask me if you're not sure about something, even if it's about something ooc. I'm not going to bite you.↠ Understand I work full time so my time/energy is going to be very limited sometimes.--Please do NOT:↠ Follow me expecting to ship/write nsfw lewd; even if we know each other from other verses.↠ Attempt to force ships/unwelcome content on me.↠ Force your headcanons on my portrayal; just because we write the same muse does not mean they have to be EXACTLY the same. This goes for people that expect me to write my portrayal according to how they view the character even if you don't write the same muse as I do.↠ Control my muse ("God mod").↠ If you are under the age of 18, do not interact with my nsfw lewd tweets.--I do NOT:↠ Ship with minors/minor muses.↠ Some ships do make me uncomfortable and as such I will generally not write them just as there are some I'm not entirely sure about. I would have to explore with the right person.


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Drautos' sword

Glauca's sword

Skilled Hand-to-Hand CombatantSwordsmanshipMarksmanshipKeen IntellectSuperhuman StaminaSuperhuman DurabilityAccelerated HealingImmortality